Taketsuru 25Y Whisky 竹鶴 25年威士忌
竹鶴政孝,被稱為日本威士忌之父,同時也是「Nikka Whisky」的創業者 。因此將竹鶴作為「Pure Malt Whisky」的品牌。所謂Pure Malt ,是多數蒸餾所在製作威士忌時的混合原料。依據調酒師的經驗技術,產生了“濃郁香淳”及“爽口”等兩種口味。品牌中有「Pure Malt」、「17年Pure Malt」、「21年Pure Malt」、「25年Pure Malt」4款不同熟成口味,到目前為止都還是國際品評會中屢屢獲獎的知名威士忌。在WWA(World Whiskey Award)中獲選為世界最佳調和麥芽威士忌(World・Best・Blended Malt(Pure Malt)。ISC(國際烈酒挑戰賽) 2013年銀獎。ISC(國際烈酒挑戰賽) 2015年金獎。
Taketsuru 25Y Whisky 竹鶴 25年威士忌
Nikka竹鶴25年(木盒裝)經典純麥威士忌,於2012年首次公開發售,全球分歐、亞、美區域限量發行,結合來自‘Yoichi 余市’和‘Miyagikyo 宮城峽’蒸餾廠的單一麥芽威士忌調配釀製而成。此酒款展現雪莉、花卉、優雅、泥炭等特色,口感達到絕妙的平衡,竹鶴政孝的最高傑作!

Taketsuru 25Y Whisky 竹鶴 25年威士忌 香味特徵
The Nikka Taketsuru 25 year old was bottled in 2012 and represents the epitome of Nikka’s expertise in the art of whisky making. A true work of art, this whisky is a remarkable tribute to Masataka Taketsuru – the founding father of Nikka. If you want to experience the very best by Nikka then this is for you. It also comes with a beautiful box, so there is no harm in just keeping it as a prized part of your collection!
The nose is tropical
to say the least. All kinds of fruit from sunny regions, mostly mango and
passion fruit. Quite some orange marmalade, pipe tobacco and the scent of a
mouldy wine cellar with fungus on the walls. After a few moments I also get
some hearty broth. A touch of woodsmoke and some peat in the background. Wonderful!
This nose is brilliant.
Boy, this is silky
soft upon arrival, but quite spicy. Cardamom, cinnamon and black pepper precede
a basket of tropical fruit. Those of the nose are joined by overripe plums and
mildly bitter oranges. A dry touch from chamomile that stood too long. Luckily
the tannins are under control and it is mostly the influence of the sherry
casks that draw your attention.
The finish is actually
fairly short, but with a fresh minty side before the sweet fruit has the final
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”