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Nikka Western Armor Knight Armor Antique Vintage 甲冑 騎士 酒套音樂盒


AMAHAGAN World Malt Edition No.3 Mizunara Cask 長濱蒸溜所 2023兔生肖

AMAHAGAN World Malt Edition No.3 Mizunara Cask 長濱蒸溜所 2023兔生肖

Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖


Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖


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Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖

每年臨近年底之時,全球都會有很多威士忌廠商推出中國生肖概念威士忌,今年也不例外。此前,尊尼獲加、秩父(美國版)、格蘭杰和日本長濱蒸溜所的2023年兔年生肖酒款已紛紛現身, 而三得利作為全球知名的威士忌廠商及品牌,同樣不會缺席。三得利皇家是一種令人愉快的混合表達,經得起時間的考驗。它最初創建於 1960 年代,當時山崎是三得利投資組合中唯一一家活躍的釀酒廠。

這款新的三得利皇家限量版 2023 是為了慶祝兔子——2023 年的生肖動物而創造的,與過往令人驚嘆的生肖瓶一樣,容器本身被塑造成一隻可愛的兔子形狀。當然,裡面的威士忌與我們對威士忌生產商所期望的品質相同,令人驚嘆的酒瓶設計只會增加體驗。 兔子被奉為傳達好消息的神獸,是飛躍的象徵。Suntory Royal 創造了一個吉祥的設計,希望每個人都能收到很多好消息,並取得很大的飛躍。

Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖
Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖

Suntory Royal 2023 Limited Edition rabbit 癸卯兔生肖

Suntory Royal is a delightful blended expression that has lasted the test of time. It was initially created in the 1960s, at a time when Yamazaki was the only active distillery in Suntory’s portfolio.

At that time, the Master Blenders making this expression distilled grain whisky, for use in the blend, at their lesser known Usuki Factory in Oita, however once Chita was built, the grain for Suntory Royal was produced there, and once Hakushu was built, some of their malt also made it into the expression. This led to the recipe for this premium blended whisky to be changed several times, but as far as we are concerned, it was always for the better.

This new Suntory Royal Limited Edition 2023 was created to celebrate the rabbit – the zodiac animal for 2023, and as usual with these stunning bottlings, the container itself is modelled in the shape of a cute bunny.

Of course, the whisky inside is of the same quality as we have come to expect from the whisky producer and the stunning bottle design only serves to add to the experience.


”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

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