Suntory-Hibiki 30Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 30年威士忌
由日本最具歷史的山崎威士忌蒸餾廠中,精選熟成30年以上的麥芽原酒調配而成,融合了三得利歷代調酒師夢想與精神的神髓。日本精緻文化與世界頂級醇釀融合為一瓶醇美的「響30年」威士忌。 每瓶刻印獨一無二的出廠編號,並以代表歲月的30切割面水晶瓶封裝,金箔封印,將馥郁華美的風味盡留其中。濃郁溫潤、清雅木香,瞬間瀰漫齒頰,讓人回味無窮。
香味特徵:來自雪莉酒桶中緩緩熟成32年麥芽,甘甜芳香與馥郁華美的風味,細酌之後,濃郁溫潤的口感與強烈木香瀰漫齒頰。饒美風味,餘韻迴盪讓人讓以忘懷。 獲獎紀錄: 2004年ISC「TROPHY」首獎 , 2006年ISC「TROPHY」首獎 , 2007年 WWA「World’s Best Blended Whisky」全球最佳調配威士忌 。
Suntory-Hibiki 30Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 30年威士忌

Hibiki 30 Year Old Bottling Note
An absolutely stunning release from Hibiki. This was awarded the Trophy at the International Spirits Challenge in 2004, 2006 and 2008. It was also awarded the coveted title “World’s Best Blended Whisky” at the World Whiskies Award in 2007 and 2008! This is stonkingly good stuff!
The first Japanese whisky to win the highest prize at ISC 2014, Suntory’s Hibiki 30 Years Old has made the high quality of Japanese whisky known to the world with its unrivalled technique and craftsmanship. Bottled in a crystal clear decanter with 30 facets representing 30 years of age, this libation demonstrates the art of blending at its finest and is undoubtedly a stunning masterpiece.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”