Puer Tea 雲南易武圓茶 2006年 生普
Puer Tea 雲南易武圓茶 2006年 生普

普洱或普洱是中國雲南省生產的各種發酵茶。 普洱鎮以附近生產的茶來命名。 茶葉生產過程中的發酵包括微生物發酵和茶葉經過乾燥和軋製後的氧化。這個過程是一個中國特產,生產的茶被稱為黑茶hēichá(字面意思是“紅茶”),通常翻譯為 黑茶。 這種茶與英文中的紅茶不同,在中國人稱為紅茶hóngchá(字面意思是“紅茶”)。 這類茶最為人所知的品種是雲南省的普洱茶,以帝國時期的黑茶貿易站命名。
Pu’er or pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. The town of Pu’er is named after the tea that is produced close by. Fermentation in the context of tea production involves microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves, after they have been dried and rolled.This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as 黑茶 hēichá (literally, “black tea”) commonly translated as dark tea. This type of tea is different from what known as black tea in English, which in Chinese is called 红茶 hóngchá (literally, “red tea”). The best known variety of this category of tea is pu’er from Yunnan Province, named after the trading post for dark tea during imperial China.