Nikka Yoichi 12Y Whisky 日本余市12年威士忌

Nikka Yoichi 12Y Whisky 日本余市12年威士忌
余市12年單一麥芽威士忌是在北海道NIKKA威士忌的發揚地 – 余市蒸餾廠蒸餾熟成。NIKKA威士忌的創辦人竹鶴政孝,因為余市涼爽氣候和自然環境與蘇格蘭相近,所以選擇在北海道余市建造首座蒸餾廠。自創業以來、始終堅守以傳統的石炭直火加熱方式蒸餾。經過12年以上長期精心孕育出來的單一麥芽威士忌。煙燻泥炭香氣及柔順香醇的口感是其最大特色。
Yoichi 12 Bottling Note
The pot stills of the Yoichi distillery are still directly heated, proffering hot spots in the stills, which in turn gives the whisky some wonderful sweet, rich notes. This is one of the richest 12 year old drams we’ve ever had!
Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt
The nose is crisp and fresh. Gentle, weaving smoke whirls above apple peels and crisp pears. The palate is of medium-body and very crisp. There are notes of peels and cut orchard fruits, a little floral note and a subdued peat smoke. The finish is of good length with a little spicy sweetness and smoke.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”