三得利 愛蘇美加日 Ao 碧 調和威士忌 Suntory whisky
無論是蘇格蘭威士忌的擁護者,又或著喜歡來杯波本做成的威士忌調酒,抑或是推崇後起之秀的日威,不管你喜歡哪一種,這一次Suntory推出的新款威士忌「 Ao 碧」,一次全部給你 滿足你

Ao 碧 (Ao 是日文 [藍色]之意) 使用蘇格蘭Glen Garioch、愛爾蘭、美國Jim Beam、加拿大(估計Canadian Club)和日本山崎的五種威士忌調和而成 (都是三得利旗下的酒廠。)
大家可能知道,三得利集團陸陸續續收購了許多世界有名的威士忌酒廠,現在在Beam Suntory旗下的威士忌品牌有:美國的Jim Beam、Maker’s Mark等; 蘇格蘭艾雷島的Laphroaig、Bowmore; 加拿大Canadian Club;愛爾蘭Kilbeggan……等等,當然還有日本的山崎、白州!有這麼多的品牌,要融合出五國混調當然不是難事。
在 Ao 碧的官網中可以看到特別指出,三得利調和威士忌以響為代表,目標是「調和= Harmony(和諧)」。而這次融合五大國不同個性的原酒,也是為了達到這一目標的新嘗試。今次 SUNTORY 推出「Ao 碧」,除了嚐試將日本威士忌轉型,亦因為日本威士忌面臨陳年原酒不足的問題,一舉數得。
「Ao 碧」的名字,在日本就是指碧藍的一種顏色,背後就是代表著海洋,連接著世界五大威士忌產區的標誌,而新詞「World Whisky」,突破了過去Blended Whisky的造法!要集合愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、美國、加拿大及日本威士忌於一身並不容易,因為幾種威士忌的風格大有分別,到底如何調出良好的風味呢?幸而Suntory的優勢是擁有世界各地不同優良酒廠,品質方面,有一定的保證!

三得利 愛蘇美加日 Ao 碧 調和威士忌 Suntory whisky 酒評
Color: 深麥桿色(酒廠說琥珀色,實際略淡)
Palate:幾乎懷疑這是Jim Beam出的調和威士忌,濃重的波本桶,穀物,甜膩,香草,浸泡在酒精中的葡萄乾,煙,苦味的杏仁,雪莉桶若隱若現施展出影響,後段出現ale啤酒的苦味和淺淺的煙熏味。

Suntory Spirits Co., Ltd. will release SUNTORY WORLD WHISKY “碧 Ao” (Ao) in limited quantities nationwide from April 16 (Tuesday). In 2019, shipments are planned to be divided into two phases, the first phase (April 16 to summer) and the second phase (autumn to winter).
The Suntory Group owns distilleries in all of the world’s five largest whiskey * production areas. We have been working on the development of whiskeys that can provide new value to our customers by making use of the distinctive whiskey spirits produced in each distillery with different history and culture.
This time, in collaboration with Beam Suntory Ltd., we have created the world’s first whiskey, SUNTORY WORLD WHISKY “碧 Ao”, which is a blend of only the original sake made in our own distillery in the world’s five largest whiskey areas. It is a new premium blended whiskey that Suntory 5th generation chief blender Shinji Fukutomi selected whiskey original sake and blended it in Japan by the skill of the craftsman. You can enjoy the character of the world’s five largest whiskeys in one cup.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”