Morning Glory 晨勃!這杯雞尾酒的名字太污了
在英語中,Morning Glory有兩種含義,其一指的是牽牛花(每逢黎明便盛開),其二指的是男生在清晨被窩中最私密的起床儀式,俗稱——晨勃!
男生如果起床發現自己Morning Glory,著實是一件很引以為傲的事情,說明你正風華正茂。而你的床伴一定也會很欣賞Morning Glory,誰不渴望自己的愛人每天為自己升一次早旗呢。
英國著名搖滾樂隊綠洲Oasis曾經在1995時,發布了一張紅遍全球的經典專輯,《(What’s The Story)Morning Glory》,其中就收錄了這首單曲《Morning Glory》,雖然樂隊主唱Liam Gallagher 從未解釋過這首單曲的歌詞含義但翻譯成晨勃肯定是 .. .. .. 而那句 What’s the Story,Morning Glory 更是 .. ..
而偉大的調酒師們,早在19世紀時,便已用一杯經典雞尾酒來致敬Morning Glory!這杯雞尾酒就叫作,晨光(Chen)榮耀(Bo)菲茲 Morning Glory Fizz。除了向男子漢們的Morning Glory致敬,Morning Glory Fizz還有更為實用的功效,用來緩解宿醉。你沒有看錯,嗜酒如命的歪果仁通常是用一杯酒緩解另一杯酒帶來的醉意,況且這杯Morning Glory Fizz是如此的新鮮酸爽,足夠喚醒你一蹶不振的身體,變得生機勃發。
Morning Glory 晨勃!這杯雞尾酒的名字太污了
據說,Morning Glory Fizz是由19世紀末期,最著名的調酒師Harry Johnson所創作,一款經典的Fizz雞尾酒,用來緩解宿醉。菲茲Fizz通常是指含有檸檬汁和氣泡水的雞尾酒,譬如那款讓調酒師們深惡痛絕,讓人搖到天荒地老的“辣莫死勁菲茲Ramos Gin Fizz”。而其實這款晨光榮耀才是調酒師們的摯愛,威士忌和苦艾酒的組合,加上柔滑的蛋白,清爽的檸檬汁和充滿活力的蘇打水,只是這樣一杯便可遏止宿醉的痛苦,歡快的香氣,清爽的口感瞬間讓人迎來嶄新的一天。
It is said that Morning Glory Fizz was created by Harry Johnson, the most famous bartender in the late 19th century. It is a classic Fizz cocktail to relieve hangover. Fizz Fizz usually refers to cocktails containing lemon juice and sparkling water, such as the one that makes bartenders hate them and let people shake old for the first time, “Flames Gins Fizz”. In fact, this morning glory is the love of bartenders, the combination of whisky and absinthe, plus silky protein, refreshing lemon juice and vibrant soda, just one cup can stop the pain of hangover. The cheerful aroma and refreshing taste make us welcome a brand new day.

配方如下 The formula is as follows:
60毫升威士忌(以調和威士忌為佳)60 ml whiskey (preferably blended whisky)
30毫升檸檬汁 30ml lemon juice
15毫升糖漿 15ml syrup
蛋清一個 One egg white
1吧勺苦艾酒 1 bar spoon vermouth
蘇打水若干 Soda water
裝飾:橙皮 Decoration : orange peel

為什麼牽牛花俗稱Morning Glory,因為牽牛花只有在清晨才揚眉吐氣,同樣,每個男生也都有Morning Glory
[One minute to learn a word] Glory
Why morning glory is popularly known as Morning Glory, because morning glory only elevates in the early morning. Similarly, every boy also has Morning Glory.