購物車 8 for HK

移除商品 縮圖圖片 商品 價格 數量 小計
× Suntory-Yamazaki 18Y special edition Whisky 三得利-山崎 18年特別版 $6,800.00


小計 $6,800.00

運送至 九龍

總計 $6,800.00


1: 歡迎【預約時間】到我們觀塘寫字樓取貨
2: 歡迎【預約時間】地鐵沿線站交收
3: 酒類貨品三支或以上歡迎【預約時間送貨】(離島及偏遠地區除外)
4: 歡迎【順豐快遞】寄送, 運送費用自行繳付, 請於寄遞前繳付貨款 (付款記錄請發 Whatsapp 54070860 確認)
5: 歡迎自駕【預約時間】於觀塘成業街16號門口泊車交收

☆  我們十分著意您的贊好 www.facebook.com/8forHK/
☆  產品服務資訊 www.8forhk.com

付款方式 :
~ 現金 Cash
~ 八達通 Octopuscard
~ 轉數快 或 PayMe
~ 微信支付 WeChat Pay
~ 支付寶 Alipay HK

”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”


購物車 8 for HK

【8 for HK】 Delivery arrangements
1: Welcome to make an appointment to pick up the goods at 8 for HK Kwun Tong office building
2: Welcome to make an appointment at the station along the subway
3: Free delivery of three or more alcoholic products (except outlying islands and remote areas)
4: SF Express, the shipping fee is paid by yourself, please pay for the goods before delivery
5: Self-driving can make an appointment to pick up the goods at No.16 of Shing Yip Street Kwun Tong

☆ No deposit required, cash on delivery ☆
like us : www.facebook.com/8forhk


購物車 8 for HK
購物車 8 for HK

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小計: $6,800.00


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