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三得利 響 大師精選 Hibiki Master’s Select


三得利 響 圓潤 甜美 深沉 Hibiki Blender’s Choice

三得利 響 圓潤 甜美 深沉 Hibiki Blender's Choice

Suntory Royal 1993 whisky 乙酉雞生肖威士忌


Suntory Royal 1993 whisky 乙酉雞生肖威士忌


貨號: Suntory Royal 1993 whisky 乙酉雞生肖威士忌 分類: ,


Suntory Royal 1993 whisky 乙酉雞生肖威士忌

三得利生肖系列威士忌從1982年起開始推出。由山崎酒廠精心制作[美濃燒]陶瓶,裝上精選的Suntory Royal Whiksy 十二生肖的排列順序是古人依據十二種動物的生活習性和生活特點來安排的:子與鼠、醜與牛、寅與虎、卯與兔、辰與龍、巳與蛇、午與馬、未與羊、申與猴、酉與雞、戌與狗、亥與豬。

The Suntory Chinese zodiac whisky has been launched since 1982. The order of the zodiac is arranged by the ancients according to the habits and life characteristics of the twelve animals: son and rat, Ugly with cows, crickets with tigers, crickets with rabbits, chen with dragons, crickets with snakes, noon with horses, without sheep, with monkeys, crickets with chickens, Dogs and dogs, Hai and pigs.

Suntory Royal 1993 whisky 乙酉雞生肖威士忌

*色澤: 淺黃琥珀色
*酒精度數 : 43%
*容量 : 600ml

The word “酉” in the old year contains the meaning that the fruit has matured, and it represents the prayers and blessings that have matured in one year.
* Color: Light yellow amber
* Aroma and floral fragrance
* Medium body
* Fruity, sweet taste, very smooth taste
* Sweet and fruity aftertaste, floral scent
* Alcohol degree : 43%
*Capacity : 600ml

”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

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