Suntory Royal 1990 whisky 庚午馬生肖威士忌
三得利是日本歷史最悠久的威士忌釀造公司。它的起源可以追溯到一家小商店,由專門銷售進口葡萄酒的 Torii Shinjiro 於 1899 年創立。今天,它是該國最大和最知名的優質威士忌生產商。在他們所有的產品中,Zodiac 瓶是我們的最愛。SUNTORY每年在迎接新的一年來臨之前,都會製造一款以新年的生肖為設計主題的瓶裝威士忌。這個慶祝馬年的瓶子一定是你能找到的更漂亮的瓶子之一。如果您出生在馬年,喜歡收集生肖瓶,或者您只是喜歡馬,那麼這就是您的瓶子。

Suntory Royal 1990 whisky 庚午馬生肖威士忌
Suntory is the oldest whisky making company in Japan. Its origins stretch back to a small shop, started in 1899 by Torii Shinjiro, which specialized in selling imported wines. Today, it is the country’s largest and most recognizable producer of quality whisky. Of all their products, the Zodiac bottles are among our favorites. This bottle, celebrating the Year of the Horse, must rank among the more beautiful bottles you can find. If you are born in the Year of the Horse, a collector of zodiac bottles, or if you simply like horses, then this is your bottle.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”