Suntory-Hibiki 21Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 21年威士忌
香味特徵:極富果香般甜美並且讓人聯想到花香的熟成香氣是最大特徵。口感極為滑順,讓人充份品味唯有21年酒齡才擁有的醇厚基味、高尚的濃郁口味以及深遠後味。自然、時間與釀酒人心意的共鳴, 威士忌是集時間、自然、釀酒人心意的醇美,其底蘊是日本文化中追究細微之處的執著, 憑藉來自山崎、白州、知多蒸餾廠中多采的原酒,調酒師們以敏銳的五感, 點止闔化為滴滴美釀積蘊如藝術品般的「響」。
日本最著名的響威士忌為三得利公司的出品,其系列的出品也曾被評為世界上最佳的調和威士忌,也是有史以來唯一 3 年連續 4 次奪取 ISC 國際烈酒競賽最高獎的威士忌。

Suntory-Hibiki 21Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 21年威士忌

幸運的是,三得利作為日本威士忌的先河,於1923至今,已擁有接近100年威士忌的生產經驗及歷史。三得利的山崎酒廠擁有大量特色的蒸餾器,總共有6種,共12台形狀尺寸不同的設備,足以生產範圍廣泛的威士忌風味。三得利也擁有一所位於森林的白州酒廠,白洲也是近年開始知名的威士忌,近年來獲獎比山崎還要多。事實上,創造響威士忌是調和了超過30種威士忌,即使連穀物威士忌也是由三得利自家品牌的知多。無論是山崎,白州及知多也是日本威士忌的知名及極致出品,因此響威士忌的調和師可以於各款頂級威士忌材料作選擇,以調配出 響 的味道,而響也是集多種三得利威士忌調和的精品。
2016 ISC 響 21年 「GOLD」金牌獎 2015 ISC 響 21年 「年度世界調和威士忌」 2014 ISC響 21年 「Trophy」首獎 2013 WWA響21年「世界最佳調和威士忌」獎」 2011 IWSC響21年「Best in Class」 2011 WWA 響21年「世界最佳調和威士忌」獎」 2010 IWSC響21年「Best in Class」金牌獎 2010 WWA響21年「世界最佳調和威士忌」獎 2010 ISC響21年「GOLD」金牌獎 2006 ISC響21年「GOLD」金牌獎 2005 ISC響21年「GOLD」金牌獎 2003ISC 響21年「GOLD」金牌獎 2003ISC 響21年入選「Best of the best」世界10大威士忌
With the most remarkable blend of technology and the most luxurious original wine, showing the extreme luxury of 21 years like a symphony-like harmony. Yamazaki white oak barrel storage of more than 21 years of pure wheat wine, cereal raw wine also strictly selected age 21 years of age.
Fragrance characteristics: very fruity sweet and reminiscent of floral aroma is the most prominent feature. Very smooth taste, people fully taste only 21 years old wine age have mellow base taste, noble rich taste and far-reaching aftertaste. Nature and time resonate with winemakers’ minds. Whiskey is a collection of time, nature, and mellow beauty of the winemakers. Its heritage is the perseverance of pursuing the nuances of Japanese culture. With the original wine that is abundant in Yamazaki and Baiju, , Bartenders with a keen sense of the five points, the point of deification into the United States as the United States art plot plot product “HIBIKI”
Suntory Co., Ltd. (日本語: サ ン ト リ ー) is a Japanese company to produce / sell beer, soft drinks as the main business of established enterprises. The company headquarters is located in Osaka Prefecture Osaka Osaka Kitajima Bang 2 Chome 1 40. The company was founded in 1921, its predecessor is bird wells Shinoji founded in 1899 bird wells shop. When Shouwu was founded in early 1921, it was officially renamed as Suntory in 1967. Since then, the company has been focusing on alcoholic beverage such as whiskey and beer until 1980.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”