Suntory-Hibiki 17Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 17年威士忌
被譽為「和諧的麥芽交響曲」的「響 17 年」威士忌,勘稱日本史上最頂級的17年調和威士忌,甫一推出即受到日本市場一致好評。嚴選酒齡 17 年以上,36 種圓熟的麥芽原酒調配而成,口感深厚、和諧而溫醇。水晶瓶身上 24 切割面代表了一天 24 小時,一年 24 個節氣。光陰的貴重,多彩的四季,釀酒的歲月,在瓶身上展現出來。
2016 SFWSC Silver Medal 舊金山世界烈酒大賽 銀牌
Suntory-Hibiki 17Y Blended Whisky 三得利-響 17年威士忌

Suntory Co., Ltd. (日本語: サ ン ト リ ー) is a Japanese company to produce / sell beer, soft drinks as the main business of established enterprises. The company headquarters is located in Osaka Prefecture Osaka Osaka Kitajima Bang 2 Chome 1 40. The company was founded in 1921, its predecessor is bird wells Shinoji founded in 1899 bird wells shop. When Shouwu was founded in early 1921, it was officially renamed as Suntory in 1967. Since then, the company has been focusing on alcoholic beverage such as whiskey and beer until 1980.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”