Suntory Hibiki 12Y Whisky special edition 三得利 響 12年花烏風月特別版
響12 花鳥風月特別版 以酒齡12年以上的麥芽原酒為基調,並使用數種與經過12年以上完美熟成的穀物原酒進行調配。使用經過梅酒桶熟成的「梅酒熟成麥芽原酒」,將三得利威士忌特有的香甜果香襯托出來,同時加入30年以上長期熟成的原酒使得口感更加圓潤醇厚並賦予熟成感。
香味特徵: 使用梅酒桶後熟原酒,可感受到極具果香的前味。以30年以上的超高年份原酒調和出最高級的熟成感,口感柔軟、圓潤,香甜中帶有些許的植物辛香,達到其豐富的味覺演繹及完美的餘韻表現。
響12 富麗堂皇的奢華禮盒包裝以及酒樽繪圖都經過精心設計,專為熱愛頂級威士忌的收藏家而設,很多買家都在為酒櫃收集不同限量版作套裝珍藏,目光如炬!
Suntory Hibiki 12Y Whisky special editio

Suntory Co., Ltd. (日本語: サ ン ト リ ー) is a Japanese company to produce / sell beer, soft drinks as the main business of established enterprises. The company headquarters is located in Osaka Prefecture Osaka Osaka Kitajima Bang 2 Chome 1 40. The company was founded in 1921, its predecessor is bird wells Shinoji founded in 1899 bird wells shop. When Shouwu was founded in early 1921, it was officially renamed as Suntory in 1967. Since then, the company has been focusing on alcoholic beverage such as whiskey and beer until 1980.
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”