Nikka Yoichi 20Y Whisky 日本余市20年威士忌
Nikka Yoichi 20Y Whisky 日本余市20年威士忌

日本 余市20年 單一純麥威士忌是從NIKKA威士忌發祥地─余市蒸餾廠蒸餾、20年以上貯藏熟成的威士忌中挑選出的限量商品。「酒越陳越香。」這句話並不適用於每種威士忌,然而用於余市20年卻是這句話的最佳代表。在天然嚴酷氣侯條件下、緩緩成熟的余市20年,香氣複雜華麗、絲毫感覺不出酒精氣息。縈繞於喉、如蜜般圓潤厚實的高品味口感是最大的特色。

The 20 year Vintage expressions are an annual release and they relate to a specific year. The one we are trying today is from whisky distilled in 1988, last year’s was from 1989 and this year’s is from 1990 (We’ll get to posting about those vintages eventually). According to Nonjatta the releases used to be a lot smaller, ~500 bottles. However, Nikka has upped the number of bottles available, 3500 for this release, probably in-part to the increase in popularity and demand. Both of which are good things!
Nose: Peat, light smoke, meaty, winter in Lake Tahoe with fire place smoke in the air, sandal wood, coastal saltiness.
Palate: Smoke initially, drying, deep oak, dark fruits, slightly salty, lights up the tongue with some dark spices
Finish: Long, dark fruit sweetness and salt
”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”