正天糧 白椴蜂蜜 White Linden Honey

正天糧 白椴蜂蜜 White Linden Honey


YMY 益美顏提拉胸膜 MsLady

益美顏提拉胸膜 MsLady

正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花 Organic CAMELLIA BEE POLLEN


正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花



正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花 Organic CAMELLIA BEE POLLEN

正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花 Organic CAMELLIA BEE POLLEN
正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花 Organic CAMELLIA BEE POLLEN

正天糧 有機蜂花粉 茶花 Organic CAMELLIA BEE POLLEN





調 理 腸 胃:蜂花粉含豐富非水溶性膳食纖維,能促進腸的蠕動,淨化腸臟。

補 充 多 種 營 養:蜂花粉富含多種氨基酸,礦物質及維他命B,為青發育中的青少年、素食者及飲食不均衡者提供所需營養。

養 顏 美 容:蜂花粉含豐富蛋白質,為身體提供骨膠原合成之原料,有助肌膚回復彈性。

What is Bee Pollen? Honey and Bee Pollen are the primary food source for the working bees. Worker bees visit flowers, gather the pollen granule and mix with honey to make a pollen ball , then bring back to the hive for storage.

Bee Pollen is the most important food for bees as well as the only resource for Royal Jelly. The Most Complete Food on Earth. Praised as “The Most Complete Food on Earth” by nutritionists across the world, Bee Pollen contains all 46 essential nutrients the human body needs. Total of 140 plus types of nutrients can be identified in Bee Poellen, including: Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Fatty acids, peptides, enzymes, and more!

Camellia Bee Pollen contains on average 10 times more minerals and vitamin B than normal mixed pollens in the market. Camellia Bee Pollen and Digestion. Pollen self-digests and aids the digestion of other foods. A natural occurrence with bee pollen is weight control. Taken into your digestive system, there is a speedy combustion, which makes fats burn faster and increases the rate of burned calories!

Pollen is very effective for those who do not have the appetite to maintain a healthy diet. All minerals in bee pollen are present in a highly digestible and organic form necessary for the digestion of many foods.

注 意:對花粉過敏者請慎用。 食用方法:可直接食用,亦可配合溫水或及各種飲料沖服。

完整的蜂花粉球,有一層堅硬的球壁,使它不易溶解,經常喝不完全,剩餘很多留在杯底,十分浪費。 以下調配蜂花粉的方法,容易被人體吸收:

A. 沖調時可選用已破壁的蜂花粉;

B. 可以用一瓶350克椴樹蜂蜜和150克蜂花粉攪拌在一起,然後密封放在雪櫃的保鮮格幾天,讓蜂花粉吸取蜂蜜的水份,溶解成膏狀後,再用溫開水沖服。 食用蜂花粉以早晚空腹時效果較好,空腹食用有利於消化和吸收。

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